Thursday, May 24, 2007

End of Habeas Corpus in the USA

The Attorney General of the USA declares to the Senate Judiciary Committe that not all citizens of the United States are Constitutionally guaranteed the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

Gonzales states there is no expressed granting of Habeas Corpus in the constitution, only that it cannot be taken away. Of course, the US constitution starts from the fundemental assumption that people have inate freedoms.

I studied US Political Institutions extensively while in university (a couple credits more and I'd have had a joint Political Science/Finance Degree). It's really sad for me to see what I regard as the best (or least bad) political system unravel and destroy its fundemental principles.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ron Paul vs. Giuliani @ SC Debate

I first became aware of this Republican congressman from Texas when I was in Houston last year. He makes too much sense to be elected POTUS, but he'd have my vote if I lived south of the 49th.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Arctic boundary dispute may be heating up

Those familar with my blog will remember this post where I talked about the resource race in the arctic. The issue is heating up again it seems according to this CTV story. The resource wealth offshore of Alaska and the Yukon is in dispute.

"Canada has long insisted the international border continues through the ocean in a straight line from the land. The U.S. argues instead that the border angles 30 degrees to the east. The area is considered to have high oil and gas potential. Alaska has put exploration rights to the block up for sale several times, but no company has bid on it while its nationality remains disputed."

What seems fair to you? What if Mexico decided that it's border with the US to the Gulf of Mexico should angle 30 degrees north rather than straight out? A few billion barrels of oil would could switch countries. Hmmm....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Crackberry Intervention

Thursday, May 17, 2007

An effort to take advantage of a very sick man

I was sitting between meetings in Fernie this week and I read this wild story on my phone (I know I'm a hyper-geek). It was pretty captivating and could rival a chapter in a Tom Clancy novel.

Here are the characters:
Mr. Ashcroft Attorney General of the USA
Mr. Comey, No. 2 official in the Justice Department
Mr. Mueller, Director of the FBI
Mr. Gonzales, White House counsel
Mr. Card, Mr. Bush’s chief of staff

Scene: 2004 Washington DC.

Mr. Ashcroft has just refused to endorse the legality of the post 9-11 domestic spying on US citizens. Ashcroft turns extremely sick and goes to the hospital for emergency gall bladder surgery.

Mr. Comey, who is now acting Attorney General has refused White House pressure from Mr. Card and Mr. Gonzales to sign a document calling the domestic spying program legal. Mr. Ashcroft, Mr. Comey, Mr. Mueller and other high ranking officals have threatened mass resignation rather than be a part of the illegal program.

Mr. Comey learns that Mr. Card and Gonzales are on their way to Ashcroft's hospital to get him to sign the document even though he has temporarily delegated his powers to Comey. Mr. Comey races to the hospital with siren blaring and phones Director Mueller to enlist the support of the FBI agents guarding Ashcrofts Hospital room.

Mr. Comey enters the hospital room just before Mr. Card and Gonzales arrive and finds Ascroft barely conscious. Mr. Card and Mr. Gonzales arrive....And to read the full story of what happened see this article .

Regardless of your politics this is some crazy story! And the White House lawyer running around trying to get illgal programs approved is now Attorney General of the USA. Interesting world we live in.

Here is a funny God Father spoof of the incident:

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Fernie, BC

We just got back from a visit to Fernie, B.C. I wish I was there for this: But this view this summer will be tolerable:

It's hard to complain about a job that sends me off to such nice places to stay in such habitable lodging, to talk to nice people. I will likely be "banished" to the Elk River valley fairly regularly this summer. Life is so good.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

May 4th Tornado Video - Ellis Co., OK

The Rest of the Story

The below graphic shows the real reasons for Browne's fall from grace. He was a liability to be disposed of. His gay hooker skeleton in the closet seems to have proved very useful as payback.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Browne quits BP after lying to court

The career of one of the world’s most respected business leaders crashed to an ignominious end on Tuesday as Lord Browne, chief executive of BP, resigned immediately after revelations that he had lied to a high court judge. (FT Full Story)