Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pathetic humans, swarming around your new leader like ants.

This is getting stupid.  It's as if he were the messiah or something.  I can hardly stand to turn the TV on anymore these days because of all the nauseating commentary about Obama.  Maybe people are just so happy to be rid of that other man.  I don't understand why in a supposed democracy people want to treat the president like a king, coronating him with more lavish and expense than you can imagine.

Anyhow....click on the pic to see all the peasents celebrating King Obama as the country crumbles. 


Blogger The Sénéchals said...

Okay - I have to call you on this this time Scott. I usually agree with you, but...
1) YES - of course they are glad to get rid of the last guy! Even the republicans must be. I'd be there celebrating his departure as much as Obama's entrance!
2) As "the country crumbles" the peasants and yes, even us CDNs need something they can think positively about and have hope in. Could can fault them?
3) Racial issues run deep south of the border - I wouldn't even have a hope of understanding other than I went to a school where there was still a black student banquet and a white banquet, even in 2000. Today marked MAJOR US history - you don't need me to tell you that!

Am I actually making political comments?

1/20/2009 11:41:00 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Thanks Kim, valid comments. I agree that it is an important event. But perspective is sorely lacking. CNN talks on and on about the new first lady's "style" and their choice of dog etc etc as if that were news worth noting. Meanwhile hundreds were slaughtered in Gaza, billions were wasted on more bank bailouts, and thousands lose their jobs.

I think Obama-mania is pathetic - not because he is black, not because he has almost no track record, but because it serves as a major diversion to the vastly more important issues that face humanity.

1/21/2009 07:50:00 PM  
Blogger More About the Z Family said...

I can't believe that I am about to comment as well on a political post (I usually stay as far away as humanly possible!) - but, a good friend of ours went to the Inauguration, and when I asked him why, he had three things to say:

1. He was so glad to be rid of the last President and the policies of the last 8 years, that he wanted to be a part of the celebration of a new President.

2. He wanted to experience the peaceful transition of power - many places in the world if power changes hands, it is because tanks are rolling in the streets and people are dying (as you aptly point out in your blog - humanity has many issues). In the U.S (and places obviously like Canada), the most powerful people in the country peacefully hand over the keys to power and he wanted to see what that transition was like.

3. Last, but not least, it was a history making moment for the U.S where radical hatred is still ingrained in many, especially here in the south and pockets of "crazies", that a partially black man would become President where 50 years ago he would not have been treated as a human being.

So, thought that I would put in another perspective from an intelligent person that isn't an "Obama-maniac" but still wanted to experience the inauguration.

1/23/2009 05:16:00 AM  
Blogger Steven and Kimberly said...

Being a US gal myself, I'm going to have to agree with Scott. I don't care how messed up people think the last President was, they ARE treating Obama like he's the Prodigal Son, "Welcome home, my child!" And if I hear Oprah say one more thing about her new "friends" Barack and Michelle, I think I'm going to actually vomit.

1/25/2009 08:48:00 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Wow, looks like I've touched a nerve out there!

1/26/2009 07:40:00 PM  

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