Monday, February 25, 2008

I love the Onion News Network

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Land of the Free

I am starting to dislike the thought of ever visiting the U.S. again because of the insane crap they are throwing at travelers. This Washington Post story tells how U.S. border officials are now seizing electronics equipment such as laptops and cell phones, demanding to copy them, erasing data, and in general acting like the Communist KGB or Nazi Gestapo. Companies are now telling employees to travel with blank hard drives, etc. to avoid loss of sensitive data.

Give me a freaking break!

What's next, demanding to place RF ankle bracelet on your leg to make sure they know when and where you go?

The hassle that this is going to cause me next time I travel on business to the U.S. makes me so mad that I'm beginning to get a perverse sense of joy when I see current brain dead American policies utterly fail and collapse into a big pile of very expensive shit (Iraq, debt crisis, etc.). Why did the most 'pro American Canadian ever' turn into whatever it is I am now? It's because of crap like this.

End of Rant