Monday, May 21, 2007

Arctic boundary dispute may be heating up

Those familar with my blog will remember this post where I talked about the resource race in the arctic. The issue is heating up again it seems according to this CTV story. The resource wealth offshore of Alaska and the Yukon is in dispute.

"Canada has long insisted the international border continues through the ocean in a straight line from the land. The U.S. argues instead that the border angles 30 degrees to the east. The area is considered to have high oil and gas potential. Alaska has put exploration rights to the block up for sale several times, but no company has bid on it while its nationality remains disputed."

What seems fair to you? What if Mexico decided that it's border with the US to the Gulf of Mexico should angle 30 degrees north rather than straight out? A few billion barrels of oil would could switch countries. Hmmm....


Blogger The Sénéchals said...

Interesting...all these posts are interesting. Thanks for keeping me up to date!

5/26/2007 01:32:00 PM  

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