Saturday, September 30, 2006


"Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe from the things that are called evils, to surrender to them our freedom, in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering." Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I have received some negative feedback offline from more than one person who visits this blog regarding my earlier post about the Vogue "Police State" photos. If one took the time to read my comments associated with photos, it can clearly be seen that I was not in approval of their message. While I feel bad that they have offended some, I do not apologize for the post because life and reality is often offensive. Always avoiding the unpleasant at all cost is not healthy and cop-out in my mind. My blog is a journal of what's going on in my life and of recent note to me. It is by no means solely focused on the negative. Believe me, I could have posted a much starker reality, such as video of perpetually detained illegal immigrants in Australian desert camps, to video of tortured Iraqi prisoners banging their heads against the wall in attempted suicide. There is so much going on the world and it depresses me that many are happy to focus solely on the feel good foolishness such as Tom Cruise's baby or Paris Hilton's glorious record of accomplishment. On that note, to lighten the mood (and fill up space so the Police State post goes to archive sooner), here is a video of some rednecks shooting a beer can gun. Intellectually stimulating stuff indeed. (Make sure sound is on for the montage)


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