Monday, September 18, 2006

The Tesla Roadster Electric Car

How did Exxon and BP let this happen? The Tesla Roadster goes from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds and has a 250 mile range before recharge. I first noticed the car as featured on CNET and here is a cool video of the car in action. Supposedly the first 100 sold out immediatly with a 100,000 dollar deposit. The efficiency is mathmatically equivalent to 135 miles per gallon and it can be fully charged in 3.5 hours. Larger scale production is scheduled for 2007-08. Elon Musk, PayPal founder is chairman of Tesla Motors so I guess they are well financed.
The company is named after Nikolay Tesla, the inventor who gave us A/C power and who some say was ruined by his financial backer, J.P. Morgan, due to his quest to invent free energy devices that could not be metered. But there I go again with the conspiracies. When ask about why General Electric's EV1 electric car failed Musk responded "Don't conspiracy what you can explain by incompetence." Good advice, I think, and applies well to goverments too.


Blogger Ryan said...

Sweet car, now if they could reduce the price by aroud 90% I may be able to afford one!

9/20/2006 09:27:00 PM  

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