Monday, August 21, 2006

Trip to Austin

Patricia and I visited Austin, Texas last weekend and really enjoyed it. The pic on the left is Patricia at the restaurant we ate at on her birthday. "The Oasis" on a lake northwest of Austin was very pretty but the food was poor.

Here is me by the State Capital Building (which by the way is so full of pentagrams that I thought I was in Block Buster Video). Very cool history on how Texas became a Republic and then state. At one time or another it was governed by 6 different countries (or so that is the explanation for the 6 symbology). Also interesting that the hook'em horns of U of Texas Longhorn football team in Austin uses the devil hand symbol supposedly to represent long horns. The world-wide symbol for the devils horns, used by Antone Levay of the Church of Satan, on the right, has also been used frequently by a famous former Texas governer and his wife. I'm kind of into looking at symbols used and knowing what they mean. I find it interesting that harmless gestures and inverted five point pentagrams used all over, also appear on the covers of the latest horror movies about satanic demons in my local video store. One more coincidence that isn't, in my opinon.

The below pic is from atop Mount Bonnell where some really fancy houses are by the Colorado River.

Here are Patricia's relatives that we visited near Austin.


Blogger Ken & Crystal Pierson said...

Patricia -- I see you're holding your baby!!! Tasi misses you! ...and vege burgers ARE good --- most of the time!! ha, ha.

Happy Birthday Patricia.

It looks like you guys had a fun time in Austin seeing the sites and visiting family. Take care.
~Ken and Crystal

8/22/2006 07:31:00 PM  
Blogger The Sénéchals said...

Wow! What's with all the posts! You are outposting me lately! Glad to see you are having a good time down there. And Happy B-day Patrica - sorry I'm a little behind! Miss you guys, Kim

8/25/2006 03:31:00 PM  

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