Friday, September 07, 2007

Internet Trolling

Here is a picture from Taipei of the August 28th Lunar eclipse, with time lapsed overlays.
Think those celebs are pretty? Maybe it's just the makeup. This site has an interesting collection of before and after makeup pictures of women.
This photo animation of a thundercap is pretty cool.Here is the most amazing surfing video I have ever seen. I don't know if the guy survived but it must have been one heck of a ride. and is a site which aggregates the most popular and current content on the web to a one-view page. It contains the top of Digg, the most viewed pictures on Flickr, the hottest YouTube clips, top news on Google News, among many other sites. uses Google maps to show where in the world the vistors are from. It's kind of cool to see what's popular and where.


Blogger Ken & Crystal Pierson said...

Amazing surf video. wow. The make-up website is interesting too!

9/09/2007 12:38:00 AM  

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