Trip to Durango
I was on a field trip this week to Durango, CO to tour BP's gas operation in the North San Juan basin.
United through Denver lost our bags both going and coming and were in general pretty useless. I thought Air Canada was the worst but apparently not (they both are part of the "Star" alliance so maybe it's a common strategic goal to treat their customers like crap). I was never more molested at a TSA checkpoint than in the little town of Durango, not even SF airport could match these guys. My shoes set off their little sniffer test alarm so they just tried again until it didn't go off anymore because it seemed they didn't know an alternative measure. I am so tired of having to explain my leg "apparatus" to some rent-a-cop as he feels every kink and strap. Nuff said on that.The town of Durango was nice as was the hotel, and the meetings and tours were very informative. I went from being 5 feet from a screaming jet engine in a gas processing plant (ear plugs a must) to touring a whisper quiet compressor facility that couldn't be more than 50 db. outside. And thanks to my helpful team mates I was able to see some pretty inaccessible stuff. However, you will not see a picture of me in my fire-retardant space suit.
Those TSA people must get extra point for harrassment of wheel chair customers. I had a similar experience couple of years ago when I was assisting borht Gramps and Granama Bieber on the plane - thought they'd never get on that plane!!! It's not like they were going to get up and make a dash for anything - go figure???
Glad the rest of your trip was more enjoyable!!!
Thanks for the update, since you didn't mention you were going in advance! Glad you didn't get caught in any tornados and your "remains" made it safely back to Canada :) ...and I think most people who care already knew we were married, but thanks for mentioning it on your blog. Love, Kim
yes kim, most knew you were married but I still wanted to include it my blog and feel bad for not doing it earlier.
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