Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Moving Again

It is offical finally. I will be taking a position in a yet-to-be announced new venture project team for BP Canada starting early December. I have numerous vaction days to use up before losing "expat" status so my last day of work here in Houston will likely be Tuesday next week. The exploration guys threw a great going away party Tuesday night and I will truely miss working for such a unique and exciting group, where big ideas and grand visions trump nickle and dime cost worries.

The last year in Houston has been a great experience that I will treasure for a long time. I never dreamed I could visit Sibera before joining this team. My confidence has been increased substantially by the very supportive people from all over the world that have taken my disability in stride. From the Russians and Scots in Sakhalin Island that help fix up my busted wheelchair to the Brits and Koreans who help lift me on and off the jet planes, the world is so full of wonderful people that really were a pleasure to be around and get to know.

The decision to return to Canada was not easy. I was heaviliy counselled to stay here but in the end I had to be true to myself and follow my own priorities. Life is about more than money, or so I keep telling myself. Calgary, here I come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to have you back Scott! Sounds like you had some great experiences this last year, but I won't complain having you closer. See you soon! Kim

11/21/2006 07:57:00 AM  
Blogger Gloria Pierson said...

Well, we never did make it to Houston but I know we will see you in Calgary - seems we get there more often!! Will look forward to more announcements about your future plans.

11/21/2006 11:40:00 PM  

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